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. 2007 Jun 22;100(2):283–303. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcm107

Table 2.

Average (±s.e.) and minimum and maximum values of structural and chemical characteristics of different foliage fractions for 122 species of contrasting leaf size and structure (see Appendix for species list)

Leaf fraction
Characteristic* Mid-rib Lamina Mid-rib + lamina Petiole§
N percentage (%) 1·42 ± 0·09 (0·46–5·46) 2·56 ± 0·10 (1·00–6·59) 2·37 ± 0·09 (0·96–5·9) 1·18 ± 0·08 (0·34–4·44)
C percentage (%) 41·00 ± 0·34 (28·6–48·2) 43·63 ± 0·27 (32·4–49·5) 43·26 ± 0·27 (31·3–49·1) 40·05 ± 0·44 (24·9–48·1)
Structural C percentage (%) 40·14 ± 0·33 (25·6–47·8) 41·80 ± 0·35 (27·3–49·0) 41·46 ± 0·36 (26·8–48·6) 39·42 ± 0·44 (23·0–47·0)
Fraction of total biomass (g g–1) 0·129 ± 0·007 (0·012–0·41) 0·762 ± 0·013 (0·30–0·95) 0·891 ± 0·011 (0·51–1·0) 0·109 ± 0·011 (0·0–0·49)
Fraction of total leaf N (g g–1) 0·0796 ± 0·005 (0·0064–0·39) 0·860 ± 0·009 (0·52–0·99) 0·940 ± 0·007 (0·63–1·0) 0·0714 ± 0·008 (0·0–0·38)
Fraction of total leaf C (g g–1) 0·123 ± 0·007 (0·012–0·41) 0·774 ± 0·013 (0·32–0·98) 0·897 ± 0·011 (0·49–1·0) 0·123 ± 0·013 (0·0–0·51)
Dry to fresh mass ratio (g g–1) 0·264 ± 0·012 (0·067–0·60) 0·284 ± 0·012 (0·066–0·69) 0·276 ± 0·012 (0·067–0·68) 0·249 ± 0·014 (0·046–0·60)
Density (g cm–3) 0·461 ± 0·034 (0·078–1·19) 0·246 ± 0·013 (0·090–0·56) 0·277 ± 0·013 (0·097–0·60) 0·361 ± 0·030 (0·024–0·87)
Dry mass per unit area (g m–2) 339 ± 24 (82·7–887) 53·9 ± 3·2 (12·9–170) 62·2 ± 3·4 (13·7–197) 525 ± 35 (45–1700)

* Structural C percentage (‘protein-fee’ C) was calculated by eqn (1), and eqn (3) provides a sample relationship to calculate the fractions of N and C in different leaf compartments.

† All characteristics are significantly different among different leaf compartments at P < 0·001 according to paired sample t-tests, except for the fractions of total leaf carbon in mid-rib and petiole (P > 0·6) and dry to fresh mass ratios of petiole and mid-rib that differ at P = 0·004.

‡ Mid-rib + lamina characteristics are mass-weighted averages of mid-rib and lamina without mid-rib (see eqn 2 for sample calculations).

§ Average C, N and structural C percentages and dry to fresh mass ratio, density and dry mass per unit area are only calculated for leaves with petioles (33 species did not have petioles; see Appendix).