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. 2007 Jun 22;100(2):283–303. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcm107


Information for species and leaf characteristics for 122 species collected from different European sites

Species1 Family Sampling site Climate12 Life form Evergreen12 Has petioles12 Compound-leaved12 Leaf shape Venation Margin Lamina dissection
Acanthus spinosus L.10 Acanthaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E M Herb N Y N Ovate/lanceolate Pinnate Serrate Pinnatisect
Acer campestre L.10 Aceraceae 40°27′N, 3°42′W M Tree N Y N Cordate Palmate Smooth Palmatifid
Acer platanoides L.10 Aceraceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E CT Tree N Y N Ovate/orbicular Palmate Smooth Palmatifid
Acer pseudoplatanus L.10 Aceraceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Tree N Y N Oval/orbicular Palmate Smooth Palmatifid
Aegopodium podagraria L. Apiaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N N Y Ovate Pinnate Serrate Entire
Angelica sylvestris L. Apiaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E CT Herb N N Y Ovate Pinnate Serrate Entire
Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm. Apiaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N N Y Ovate Pinnate Serrate Entire
Anthurium hookeri Kunth.10 Araceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E2,3 T Herb Y Y N Obovate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Anthurium hybridum Hort. ex Engl.10 Araceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E2,3 T Herb Y Y N Cordate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Arbutus unedo L.10 Ericaceae 40°27′N, 3°42′W M Shrub/tree Y Y N Obovate Pinnate Serrate Entire
Arctium tomentosum Mill. Compositae 58°22′N, 26°43′E CT Herb N Y N Cordate Pinnate Serrate Entire
Armoracia rusticana (Lam.) Gaertn., Mey. et Scherb. Brassicaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E CT Herb N Y N Elliptic Pinnate Serrate Entire
Arundo donax L.10 Poaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W4 T Grass Y N N Linear/ensifrom Parallel Smooth Entire
Asarum europaeum L. Aristolochiaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb Y Y N Reniform Parallel/pinnate Smooth Entire
Aspidistra elatior L.10 Liliaceae 40°25′N, 3°40′W4 T Herb Y Y N Elliptic/linear Parallel Smooth Entire
Aster sp.10 Compositae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Herb N Y N Ovate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Avena sterilis L.10 Poaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Grass N N N Linear/ensifrom Parallel Smooth Entire
Bougainvillea glabra Choisy10 Nyctaginaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W3 T Shrub/vine Y Y N Ovate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Brugmansia arborea (L.) Lagerh.10 Solanaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E2,3 T Tree N Y N Cordate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Canna × generalis Bailey (pro sp.)10 Cannaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W3 T Herb Y N N Elliptic/linear Parallel Smooth Entire
Carduncellus caeruleus (L.) C. Presl.10 Compositae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Herb N N N Ovate Parallel/pinnate Serrate Entire
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus Eschsch.10 Rhamnaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W5 M Shrub Y Y N Oval/obovate Parallel/pinnate Smooth Entire
Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb.10 Celastraceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W4 M Woody vine N Y N Orbicular Pinnate Serrate Entire
Celtis australis L.10 Ulmaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Tree N Y N Ovate Pinnate Serrate Entire
Cercis siliquastrum L.10 Fabaceae 40°27′N, 3°42′W M Shrub/tree N Y N Orbicular Pinnate Smooth Entire
Chrysanthemum sp.10 Compositae 36°43′N, 4°25′W4 M Herb N N N Ovate Pinnate Serrate Pinnatisect
Cirsium oleraceum (L.) Scop. Compositae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N Y N Ovate Pinnate Serrate Pinnatisect
Cistus ladanifer L.10 Cistaceae 40°27′N, 3°42′W M Shrub Y N N Elliptic/linear Pinnate Smooth Entire
Convallaria majalis L. Liliaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N Y N Elliptic Parallel Smooth Entire
Convolvulus arvensis L.10 Convolvulaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Herbaceous vine N Y N Cordate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Corylus avellana L. Corylaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Shrub N Y N Oval/obovate Pinnate Serrate Entire
Corynocarpus laevigata J.R. Forst. & G. Forst10 Corynocarpaceae 40°25′N, 3°40′W8 M Shrub/tree Y Y N Obovate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Crepis paludosa (L.) Moench Compositae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N N N Obovate Pinnate Serrate Entire
Cucurbita pepo L. Cucurbitaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E3 T Herb N Y N Orbicular Palmate Smooth
Cyphomandra betacea (Cav.) Sendtn.10 Solanaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E2,3 M Shrub/tree Y Y N Ovate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Dioscorea esculenta (Lour.) Burkhill.10 Dioscoreaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E2,3 T Herb Y Y N Cordate Parallel Smooth Entire
Dittrichia viscosa (L.) W. Greuter10 Compositae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Herb Y N N Ovate/lanceolate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Echinops sphaerocephalus L. Compositae 58°22′N, 26°43′E7 M Herb N Y N Ovate Pinnate Serrate Pinnatisect
Elaeagnus angustifolia L.10 Elaeagnaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Shrub Y Y N Ovate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Epilobium montanum L. Onagraceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N N N Ovate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.10 Rosaceae 40°27′N, 3°42′W4 M Tree Y Y N Elliptic Pinnate Smooth Entire
Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.10 Myrtaceae 40°27′N, 3°42′W9 M Tree Y Y N Falcate/lanceolate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Fagopyrum esculentum Moench10 Polygonaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Herb N Y N Cordate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Fragaria vesca L. Rosaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N N Y Oval Pinnate Serrate Entire
Fraxinus excelsior L. Oleaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Tree N N Y Elliptic Pinnate Serrate Entire
Geranium molle L.10 Geraniaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Herb N Y N Orbicular Palmate Serrate/crenate Entire
Geranium palustre L. Geraniaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N Y N Ovate Palmate Serrate Palmisect
Hedera helix L.10 Araliaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E M Woody vine Y Y N Elliptic/lobate Palmate Smooth Palmatifid
Hedychium coccineum Buch.-Ham.10 Zingiberaceae 40°25′N, 3°40′W4 T Herb Y Y N Elliptic/ovate Parallel Smooth Entire
Hedychium gardnerianum Shepard ex. Ker. Kawl.10 Zingiberaceae 40°25′N, 3°40′W4 T Herb Y N N Ovate/elliptic Parallel Smooth Entire
Helianthus annuus L. Compositae 58°22′N, 26°43′E5 M Herb N Y N Cordate Palmate Smooth Entire
Hepatica nobilis Gars. Ranunculaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb Y Y Y Orbicular Palmate Smooth Palmisect
Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden. Apiaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E7 CT Herb N Y N Orbicular/ovate Palmate Serrate Pinnatisect
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.10 Malvaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W4 T Shrub Y Y N Ovate Pinnate Serrate Entire
Hippophae rhamnoides L.10 Elaeagnaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W4 M Shrub/tree N N N Linear Pinnate Smooth Entire
Lactuca serriola L.10 Compositae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Herb N N N Obovate/oblong Pinnate Serrate Pinnatifid
Lamium galeobdolon (L.) L. Labiatae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N Y N Ovate Pinnate Serrate Entire
Leontodon taraxacoides (Vill.) Merat10 Compositae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Herb N Y N Obovate/oblanceolate Pinnate Serrate Pinnatifid
Ligularia wilsoniana (Hemsl.) Greenm. Compositae 58°22′N, 26°43′E4 CT Herb N Y N Cordate Pinnate Serrate Entire
Lonicera xylosteum L. Caprifoliaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Shrub N Y N Ovate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Magnolia kobus DC.10 Magnoliaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E2,4 M Shrub/tree N Y N Obovate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Maianthemum bifolium (L.) Schmidt Liliaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N Y N Cordate Parallel Smooth Entire
Malva parviflora L.10 Malvaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Herb N Y N Orbicular Palmate Serrate Palmatifid
Melampyrum nemorosum L.10 Scrophulariaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N N N Ovate/lanceolate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Monstera deliciosa Liebm.10 Araceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E2,4 T Woody vine Y Y N Ovate/orbicular Pinnate Smooth Pinnatisect
Musa basjoo Sieb. et Zucc.10 Musaceae 40°25′N, 3°40′W4 T Herb Y N N Ovate/lanceolate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Musa × paradisiaca L.10 Musaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E2,4 T Herb Y Y N Ovate/lanceolate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Myrtus communis L.10 Myrtaceae 36°20′N, 5°30′W M Shrub Y Y N Elliptic Pinnate Smooth Entire
Nerium oleander L.10 Apocynaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Shrub/tree Y Y N Elliptic/linear Pinnate Smooth Entire
Olea europaea L.10 Oleaceae 40°27′N, 3°42′W M Tree Y Y N Elliptic Pinnate Smooth Entire
Oxalis acetosella L. Oxalidaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb Y/N N Y Obovate/reniform Parallel Smooth Entire
Padus avium Mill. Rosaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Tree N Y N Elliptic Pinnate Serrate Entire
Paris quadrifola L. Liliaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N N Y Elliptic Parallel Smooth Entire
Passiflora coriacea Juss.10 Passifloraceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E2,3 T Woody vine Y Y N Reniform Pinnate Smooth Entire
Pelargonium sp.10 Geraniaceae 40°25′N, 3°40′W6 T Herb N Y N Orbicular/ovate Palmate Serrate Entire
Pelargonium × hybridum (L.) Aiton10 Geraniaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W6 T Herb N Y N Orbicular Palmate Serrate Palmatifid
Phalaris minor Retz.10 Poaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Grass N N N Linear/ensifrom Parallel Smooth Entire
Phlomis purpurea L.10 Labiatae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Shrub Y Y N Ovate/lanceolate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Phragmites communis Trin.10 Poaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E CT Grass N N N Linear/ensifrom Parallel Smooth Entire
Picris echioides L.10 Compositae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Herb N N N Ovate/oblanceolate Pinnate Serrate Entire
Pisonia silvatica Standl.10 Nyctaginaceae 40°25′N, 3°40′W3 T Tree Y Y N Elliptic Pinnate Smooth Entire
Pittosporum tobira (Thunb.) Ait.10 Pittosporaceae 40°27′N, 3°42′W4 M Shrub Y Y N Obovate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Plantago lagopus L.10 Plantaginaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Herb N Y N Elliptic/ovate/linear Parallel Smooth Entire
Platanus hybrida Brot.10 Platanaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W4,5 M Tree N Y N Cordate Palmate Smooth Palmatifid
Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All. Liliaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N N N Oval Parallel Smooth Entire
Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. et Zucc. Polygonaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E4 CT Herb N Y N Ovate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Populus alba L.10 Salicaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Tree N Y N Oval/obovate Pinnate Serrate Pinnatifid
Populus tremula L. Salicaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Tree N Y N Orbicular Pinnate Serrate Entire
Prunella vulgaris L. Labiatae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N Y N Ovate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Prunus laurocerasus L.10 Rosaceae 40°27′N, 3°42′W M Shrub Y Y N Obovate Pinnate Serrate Entire
Psoralea bituminosa L.10 Fabaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Herb N Y Y Ovate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Quercus canariensis Willd.10 Fagaceae 36°20′N, 5°30′W M Tree N Y N Obovate (lyrate) Pinnate Smooth Pinnatifid
Quercus robur L.10 Fagaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E CT Tree N Y N Obovate (lyrate) Pinnate Smooth Pinnatifid
Quercus suber L.10 Fagaceae 36°20′N, 5°30′W M Tree Y Y N Elliptic/ovate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Ranunculus cassubicus L. Ranunculaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N Y N Reniform Palmate Serrate Entire
Rheum raphonticum L. Polygonaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E4 CT Herb N Y N Cordate Pinnate Crenate Entire
Rheum rhabarbarum L.10 Polygonaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E7 CT Herb N Y N Cordate Palmate Crenate Entire
Ribes alpinum L. Grossulariaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Shrub N Y N Ovate Palmate Serrate Palmisect
Ribes nigrum L. Grossulariaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Shrub N Y N Ovate Palmate Serrate Palmisect
Ribes rubrum L.10 Grossulariaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Shrub N Y N Ovate Palmate Serrate Palmitifid
Ricinus communis L.10 Euphorbiaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W4 T Shrub N Y N Orbicular Palmate Serrate Palmatisect
Rubus idaeus L. Rosaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Shrub N N Y Ovate Pinnate Serrate Entire
Rubus saxatilis L. Rosaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N N Y Ovate Pinnate Serrate Entire
Rumex crispus L. Polygonaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E CT Herb N Y N Elliptic Pinnate Crenate Entire
Sanchezia nobilis Hook.10 Acanthaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E2,3 T Shrub Y Y N Elliptic Pinnate Smooth Entire
Scorpiurus sulcatus L.10 Fabaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Herb N N N Obovate/oblanceolate Parallel Smooth Entire
Scutellaria costaricana H. Wendl.10 Labiatae 36°43′N, 4°25′W3 T Herb N Y N Ovate Parallel Serrate Entire
Solanum nigrum L.10 Solanaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Herb N Y N Ovate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Sorbus aucuparia L. Rosaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Tree N N Y Elliptic Pinnate Serrate Entire
Stellaria holostea L. Caryophyllaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N N N Ovate/lanceolate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Strelitzia reginae Banks.10 Strelitziaceae 40°25′N, 3°40′W6 T Herb Y Y N Ovate/lanceolate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Syringa vulgaris L.10 Oleaceae 40°27′N, 3°42′W M Shrub N Y N Cordate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Taraxacum officinale G. H. Weber ex Wiggers10 Compositae 58°22′N, 26°43′E CT Herb N Y N Obovate/oblanceolate Pinnate Serrate Pinnatisect
Tradescantia fluminensis Matuda10 Commelinaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E2,3 T Herb Y N N Ovate Parallel Smooth Entire
Triticum aestivum L.10 Poaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Grass N N N Linear/ensifrom Parallel Smooth Entire
Tussilago farfara L. Compositae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N Y N Cordate Palmate Serrate Entire
Ulmus glabra L.10 Ulmaceae 58°22′N, 26°43′E CT Tree N N N Ovate Pinnate Serrate Entire
Verbascum nigrum L. Scrophulariaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N Y N Ovate Pinnate Serrate Entire
Veronica chamaedrys L. Scrophulariaceae 58°18′N, 26°42′E CT Herb N Y N Ovate Pinnate Serrate Entire
Viburnum davidii Franch.10 Caprifoliaceae 40°27′N, 3°42′W4 M Shrub Y Y N Elliptic/oval Pinnate Smooth Entire
Vinca difformis L.10 Apocynaceae 40°27′N, 3°42′W M Herb Y Y N Ovate Pinnate Smooth Entire
Vitis vinifera L.10 Vitaceae 36°43′N, 4°25′W M Woody vine N Y N Oval/orbicular Palmate Serrate Palmitifid

1 Species nomenclature follows the latest version of the W3TROPICOS database (Missouri Botanical Garden, 2005) and Flora Europea (Tutin, 1964–1980).

2 Sampled from greenhouse-grown plants.

3 Non-native species of South American origin.

4 Non-native species of Asian origin.

5 Non-native species of North-American origin.

6 Non-native species of South African origin.

7 Non-native species of European origin.

8 Non-native species of New Zealand origin.

9 Non-native species of Australian origin.

10 In this species, lamina and mid-rib were dissected into 1–5-cm strips to investigate the distribution of lamina mass.

11 CT, cool temperate; M, Mediterranean or warm temperate; T, subtropical or tropical.

12 Logical field (Yes/No).