Figure 6.
Mild hypothermia prevents decreased expression of FasL. A representative Western blot (A) of non ischemic brain (NI) and brain from the ipsilateral ischemic cortex (CI, defined in the text) at normothermia (38C) shows decreased FasL (lower band) in ischemic brains. FasL in brains of animals treated with mild hypothermia (33C) does not decrease following ischemia. Relative optical densities (ROD) of FasL were lower in ischemic brains of animals exposed to mild hypothermia compared to normothermic ischemic brains. Data are shown as the ROD of FasL normalized to the actin ROD, used as a loading control (*P<0.05, white bars=hypothermia, black bars=normothermia, n=3–4/ bar) (B).