Figure 7.
FasL remains mostly membrane bound under conditions of mild hypothermia. Western blots of particulate (mFasL) and soluble (sFasL) ischemic brain tissue fractions (24 h after ischemia onset) revealed less soluble and more membrane bound FasL among hypothermic brains compared to normothermic brains (A). A Western blot of housekeeping protein Gαi3, found only in cell membranes, shows successful separation of the two fractions (B). Mild hypothermia (33C) reduced the amount of sFasL, but increased the amount of m FasL (*P<0.05 vs. corresponding normothermic samples, **P<0.01 vs. corresponding normothermic samples, n-3-4 samples/bar). SI=ischemic striatum, CI=ischemic cortex, PI=peri-infarct cortex (C)