Normalized SRE.L luciferase activities of LARG (A) FL, (B) DH/PH and (C) ΔC (WT and F1098D) co-expressed with Gα13-Q226L in HEK293T cells. LARG and Gα13 do not exhibit synergy under these conditions, and the F1098D mutant in each context appears to diminish RhoA activation. Shown are the results from a representative experiment (from 2–3 total experiments each) with the error bars representing the SD of each data point measured in triplicate. (D) Confocal images of HEK293T cells co-transfected with expression plasmids for GFP-LARG (WT or F1098D) and Gα13-Q226L. For LARG FL and ΔC, 80% and 60% of the cells containing a GFP signal clearly had membrane-localized LARG, respectively. As expected from the lack of an RH domain, none of the LARG DH/PH transfected HEK293T cells appeared to have membrane-localized LARG. Scale bar: 10 µm. The confocal image of GFP-LARG ΔC is the same as in Fig. 4C and is shown here for comparison.