Fig. 2.
(A) The mean (± SEM) 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine-5′-monophosphate (BrdU)+ cells in neonatal CA1 hippocampus of brains collected 24 h after birth. Females were injected with testosterone (T) shortly after birth, and all animals received BrdU at the same time. Males had significantly more BrdU+ cells than females, and T treatment significantly increased the number in females to that of males (ANOVA, *P < 0.05). (B) The number of pyknotic cells detected in Cresyl violet-stained sections from the same animals as in (A) or from animals collected at postnatal day (PND)4 indicated no sex difference or treatment effects on the number of dying cells. The n/group is indicated in each bar. (C) Representative photomicrograph showing the globular condensed nuclei of pyknotic cells in the hippocampus, scale bar: 20 μm. (D) Representative photomicrographs of BrdU+ cells in the neonatal PND4 CA1 hippocampus. (a) female + vehicle; (b) male + vehicle; scale bar: 100 μm.