HSC70-1 decreases the number of aggregates formed in the presence of the tail region of WIT1 in N. benthamiana. A, GFP-TMDWIT1 was either expressed alone or coexpressed by coagroinfiltration in N. benthamiana leaves with one of the HA-tagged constructs: GUS, WPP2, and HSC70-1 in the presence of p19. A, Aggregates. Bars = 10 μm. B, Quantification of the number of aggregates present in the coinfiltration experiment shown in A. The graphs depict the mean and sd values obtained from two independent experiments. A minimum of 100 cells total were scored for each agroinfiltrated combination. C, Anti-HA immunoblot of protein extracts from infiltrated leaves expressing GFP-TMDWIT1 with the constructs as explained in A (top). Anti-GFP immunoblot showing comparable GFP-TMDWIT1 expression levels in the same protein extracts (bottom). Ponceau S-stained membranes are shown below each blot to indicate loading. [See online article for color version of this figure.]