Classroom | Activity Observed | Target Studentsa |
Patti | Brainstorming before independent work (4/8); Making connections between literacy and life: natural world, families, social life (5/8); Direct instruction (4/8); Choice time (5/8); Literature-related art projects (story extensions, 2-D, 3-D, acting, 6/8); Sharing student writing (6/8); Teacher reading books aloud (6/8) | Sally: I like making stories up, Nell: I like to write about people that I miss, Cathy: You can make some stories up, Mallory: (Kind of like writing) I don’t know (why) |
Wendy | Children reading aloud (6/7); Children reading silently (6/7); Making connections between literacy and life, note taking, journals (6/7); Choice time (literature-related activity only) (6/8); Children, teacher journal writing (7/7); Teacher modeling purposes of writing (5/7); Teacher reading books aloud (6/7) | Marina: I like writing about things I did; Marty: At the end of the year you can take your journal home and show your parents; Carrie: Journals are boring; Kelly: I like writing names, but (I don’t like journals) because I don’t know how to write. |
Stacey | Worksheets–activities requiring a single letter or word (8/8); Letter-related art (letter art, illustrate word, collage objects beginning with specific letter, 8/8); Making connections between literacy and life—preparation for first grade (7/8) | Kevin: Making pictures for my mom; Thad: Writing houses, buildings, fire trucks; Leann: I always use up all my paper. I can draw really good pictures of the seasons and my parents; Darrin: I’m not good at it, but I like it. Maxine: I don’t like school very much. My mom taught me how to write words. |
Jan | Connections between literacy or literature and life (4/6); Calendar activities (3/6); Weekend journals (Mondays only: 2/6); Teacher reading books aloud, discussion (3/6); Literature-related art projects (visual arts or drama; 3/6); Phonemic instruction or group practice (3/6) | Damian: I like to write Space Jam and Jurassic Park. I like to write different kinds of things, like pictures of cats, sea otters, walrus …; Alice: I really like to write. [Journal writing is] ok sometimes. It takes too long and I want to have choice time. |
Note. Items in bold type reflect those that occurred most frequently in that classroom.
Student quotes from interview: Elaborations on why they liked or did not like to write in school.