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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2010 Sep 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2009 Aug 5;10(7):498–504. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2009.04.002

Table 1.

Items Developed for Nursing Home Medical Staff Organization and Culture Dimensions

1. Composition of Staff
how many attendings provide care
do physician extenders see residents a
extent of “closed staff model”b
2. Appointment Process
formal process for granting attending privilegesc
does nursing home have a written contract with physiciansc
does the nursing home employ physicians directlyc
detail of bylawsd
3. Commitment
Physician cohesion
  • collegial relationships among the physicianse

  • decision-making process is consensus buildinge

  • great deal of organizational loyaltye

  • identifiable practice style which we all try to adheree

Leadership Turnover/Capability
  • administrator turnover in the last five years

  • director of nursing turnover in the last five years

4. Departmentalization
Physician Supervision
  • leadership style as involves checking up on physiciane

  • quality of each physician’s work is monitored closelye

Physician Autonomy
  • leadership style allows the attending physician greater freedom to act independentlye

  • emphasis on physician individualitye

Physician Interdisciplinary Involvement
  • physician is primary nursing home representative for familiese

  • physicians are expected to attend care plan meetingse

  • physicians are expected to assume the leadership role in team meetingse

5. Documentation
Formal Review Process to evaluate physiciansc
6. Informal Dynamics (Interpersonal Relationships)
quality of your relationship between medical director and administratorf
quality of your relationship between medical director and the director of nursingf
relationship between physicians and licensed nursesf,g
medical staff gets no respect in the nursing facilitye,g

Do nurse practitioners or physician assistants see residents in the facility


percent of residents whose attending is not a community based practitioners


responses measured by yes=1; no=0


responses measured on a 5 point scale anchored by not at all=0 somewhat=1 moderately=2 quite a bit=3 very=4


responses measured on a 5 point scale anchored by strongly disagree=1disagree=2 neutral=3 agree=4 strongly agree=5


responses measured on a 5 point scale anchored by poor=1 fair=2 good=3 very good=4 excellent=5


reversed scored