Table 1.
Items Developed for Nursing Home Medical Staff Organization and Culture Dimensions
1. | Composition of Staff |
how many attendings provide care | |
do physician extenders see residents a | |
extent of “closed staff model”b | |
2. | Appointment Process |
formal process for granting attending privilegesc | |
does nursing home have a written contract with physiciansc | |
does the nursing home employ physicians directlyc | |
detail of bylawsd | |
3. | Commitment |
Physician cohesion | |
Leadership Turnover/Capability | |
4. | Departmentalization |
Physician Supervision | |
Physician Autonomy | |
Physician Interdisciplinary Involvement | |
5. | Documentation |
Formal Review Process to evaluate physiciansc | |
6. | Informal Dynamics (Interpersonal Relationships) |
quality of your relationship between medical director and administratorf | |
quality of your relationship between medical director and the director of nursingf | |
relationship between physicians and licensed nursesf,g | |
medical staff gets no respect in the nursing facilitye,g |
Do nurse practitioners or physician assistants see residents in the facility
percent of residents whose attending is not a community based practitioners
responses measured by yes=1; no=0
responses measured on a 5 point scale anchored by not at all=0 somewhat=1 moderately=2 quite a bit=3 very=4
responses measured on a 5 point scale anchored by strongly disagree=1disagree=2 neutral=3 agree=4 strongly agree=5
responses measured on a 5 point scale anchored by poor=1 fair=2 good=3 very good=4 excellent=5
reversed scored