Figure 1. Classification of 101 mouse seizure genes using gene-ontology functional annotation.
This analysis was done using VLAD, a multipurpose prototype tool for visualizing and analyzing gene-ontology (GO) annotation data for sets of genes ( Here VLAD was used to determine the overrepresentation of the 101 mouse seizure genes relative to total number of genes in each GO class for a biological process. Each large bubble shows a specific GO class, with the number of seizure genes in the class, the number of total genes in the class (from the Mouse Genome Informatics, MGI, database), and a P-value to estimate the relative overrepresentation of seizure genes in that class (see for methods). The arrows indicate the “parent-child” relationship of GO classes to one another; small, unlabelled bubbles are classes that were not significantly overrepresented. The existence of multiple larger bubbles containing significant class overrepresentations is indicative of multiple etiologies for seizure disorders in mice.