Figure 2.
Expression analysis of PH1 bi- and tribody produced in mammalian cells. A, B, Western blot analyses of ± 1 μg HEK293T produced bibody (A) and tribody (B) run on a 10% SDS-PAGE gel. Gels to the left of the molecular mass ruler show β-mercaptoethanol reduced samples, to the right unreduced samples are shown. The bands corresponding to the respective antibody products are indicated by arrows and the corresponding antibody chain symbols. L: κ light chain detection, H: His heavy chain detection, M: relative molecular mass marker. C, D, Shown on the left is an anti-His western blot analysis of ± 20 μl NS0 produced bibody from clone NS0-Bi2 (C) or tribody from clone NS0-Tri2 (D) supernatant. Arrows and antibody chain symbols indicate the running height for the respective PH1 derivatives. Shown to the right of the gels are ELISA screenings of culture fluid from 15 NS0-bibody (C) or NS0-tribody (D) clones on coated mGroEL-MUC1, detected with anti-κ/anti-mouse IgG1-AP and readout at 405 nm. Arrows show the selected clones, the horizontal black lines indicate 3× background value.