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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2009 Sep 2.
Published in final edited form as: Epilepsia. 2004 Oct;45(10):1261–1272. doi: 10.1111/j.0013-9580.2004.15204.x


Test scores, by primary functional domain

Domain Test variable Observed
Normative samplea
Mean SD Mean SD
Dependent variables: Academic achievement tests
  WJR Letter-Word Identification 92.6 17.1 100 15
  WJR Passage Comprehension 94.8 17.3 100 15
  WJR Calculations 89.6 20.3 100 15
  WJR Applied Problems 98.7 16.3 100 15
  WJR Dictation 84.5 13.6 100 15
  WJR Writing Samples 89.2 19.3 100 15
Independent variables: Neuropsychological measures
 Processing speed
  CPT Hit Response Time (T score) 37.9 14.2 50 10
  CPT% Omissions (T score)b 63.9b 9.1 50 10
  CPT Hit RT SE (T score)b 72.9b 17.1 50 10
 Psychomotor and visual-spatial skills
  WRAML Design Copy (% correct)a 94.1 10.2 N/Aa N/Aa
  Trail Making Test, Part A (Z score)b 0.3b 1.5 0 1
  Grooved Pegboard, Dominant Hand (Z)b 1.6b 2.7 0 1
  Grooved Pegboard, Nondominant Hand (Z)b 3.3b 5.2 0 1
  Stroop Word Naming (T score) 39.6 9.0 50 10
  Stroop Color Naming (T score) 39.5 9.0 50 10
  Token Test for Children (“standard score”) 495.9 8.6 500 5
  WJR Picture Vocabulary (standard score) 91.3 15.1 100 15
  Attentional Capacity Test (Z score) −1.3 1.4 0 1
 Memory and learning
  WRAML Design Memory (scaled score) 7.4 3.2 10 3
  WRAML Story Memory (scaled score) 8.0 3.7 10 3
  WRAML Verbal Learning (scaled score) 9.6 3.6 10 3
 Executive functioning
  Children’s Category Test (T score) 45.7 9.8 50 10
  Trail Making Test, Part B (Z score)b 0.4b 1.9 0 1
Moderating variablesc
 Demographic variables (age, gender, caregiver’s education)c
 Seizure variables (seizure type, seizure status, duration of disorder, age at onset)c
 Psychosocial variables
  CATIS (mean item score)a 3.3 0.7 (range, 1–5)
  PH CSCS Happiness-Satisfactiona 8.6 1.6 (range, 0–10)
  CASQ Negative Compositea 7.3 3.0 (range, 0–24)
  FIRM Family Masterya 2.0 0.5 (range, 0–3)

WJR, Woodcock Johnson Psychoeducational Battery–Revised; CPT, Conners’ Continuous Performance Test; RT SE, Response Time Standard Error; CATIS, Child Attitude Toward Illness Scale; PH CSCS, Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale; CASQ, Children’s Attributional Style Questionnaire; FIRM, Family Inventory of Resources for Management.


Normative data were not available for WRAML Copy, CATIS, PH CSCS, CASQ, or FIRM.


For CPT% Omissions, CPT Hit RT SE, Trail Making Test Parts A & B, and Grooved Pegboard, scores above the mean indicate worse performance.


Other moderator variables (Demographic and Seizure Variables) are reported in Table 1.

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