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. 2009 May 26;117(9):1420–1427. doi: 10.1289/ehp.0800430

Table 1.

Characteristics of the study population: SAPALDIA cohort.

Characteristic Participants (n = 4,326)
Female (%) 53.0
Swiss nationality (%) 87.7
Educational level in 2002 (professional education or higher, %) 27.9
Increase in educational level between surveys (%) 17.9
Age in 1991 [mean ± SD (years)] 41.3 ± 11.2
Height [mean ± SD (cm)] 169.3 ± 8.8
BMI in 1991 [mean ± SD (kg/m2)] 23.7 ± 3.6
BMI change [mean ± SD (kg/m2)] 2.1 ± 2.2
 Never-smokers in 1991 (%) 48.4
 Never-smokers in 2002 (%) 49.3
 Smoking quitters during follow-up (%) 8.1
 Current smokers in 1991 (%) 29.3
 Current smokers in 2002 (%) 21.9
 No. of pack-years for current smokers in 2002 [median (IQR)] 26.7 (14.0–42.6)
 Cigarettes per day for current smokers in 1991 [median (IQR)] 20 (10–25)
 Cigarettes per day for current smokers in 2002 [median (IQR)] 15 (7–20)
Passive smoking and occupational exposure (%)
 ETS exposure in never-smokers in 1991 13.1
 ETS exposure in never-smokers in 2002 7.7
 Father or mother smoked during childhood 56.1
 Workplace exposure to dust and fumes in 1991 30.3
 Workplace exposure to dust and fumes in 2002 13.2
 Atopy in 1991 22.3
Change in average individual home outdoor PM10 exposurea
 All areas (n = 4,326) −5.8 (−7.3 to −4.2)
 Basel area (n = 486) −8.0 (−9.1 to −6.9)
 Wald area (n = 889) −4.5 (−4.8 to −3.9)
 Davos area (n = 318) −3.0 (−3.1 to −2.8)
 Lugano area (n = 568) −12.1 (−13.5 to −10.8)
 Montana area (n = 431) −4.0 (−4.2 to −3.7)
 Payerne area (n = 595) −5.0 (−5.3 to −4.6)
 Aarau area (n = 689) −6.4 (−6.8 to −5.8)
 Geneva area (n = 350) −6.2 (−7.3 to −5.7)
Lung function in 1991 [mean ± SD (L)]b
 FVC in women 3.82 ± 0.61
 FVC in men 5.30 ± 0.82
 FEV1 in women 3.07 ± 0.55
 FEV1 in men 4.11 ± 0.72
 FEF25–75 in women 3.07 ± 1.00
 FEF25–75 in men 3.79 ± 1.29
Annual change [mean ± SD) (mL/year)]b
 FVC in women −20.79 ± 34.11
 FVC in men −29.17 ± 45.47
 FEV1 in women −31.88 ± 25.72
 FEV1 in men −39.77 ± 32.91
 FEF25–75 in women −68.89 ± 58.88
 FEF25–75 in men −74.11 ± 70.24
Genotype distribution
p53 P72R, rs1042522
  GG 2,407
  CG 1,637
  CC 282
p21 S31R, rs1801270
  CC 3,701
  CA or AAc 625
CCND1 P242P, rs9344
  GG 1,211
  GA 2,140
  AA 975
CCND1 −7006G>C, rs667515
  GG 1,628
  GC 2,058
  CC 640
 Diplotype distributiond
CCND1 haplotype 1 (rs667515, rs9344)
  −/− 3,125
  GG/− 1,088
  GG/GG 113
CCND1 haplotype 2 (rs667515, rs9344)
  −/− 1,251
  GA/− 2,150
  GA/GA 925
CCND1 haplotype 3 (rs667515, rs9344)
  −/− 1,678
  CG/− 2,048
  CG/CG 600
CCND1 haplotype 4 (rs667515, rs9344)
  −/− 4,239
  CA/− 84
  CA/CA 3

IQR, interquartile range.


PM10 (μg/m3) in the year before SAPALDIA1 minus PM10 in the year before SAPALDIA2.


Women, n = 2,293; men, n = 2,033.


Genotype distribution: p21 CA, n = 594; p21 AA, n = 31.


Diplo-type distribution is labeled as follows: −/−, none of the specific haplotype present; (rs667515, rs9344)/− (e.g., GG/−), one of the specific haplotypes present; (rs667515, rs9344)/(rs667515, rs9344) (e.g., GG/GG), for two of the specific haplotypes present.