Figure 1. Role of phosphorylcholine (PCho) in protection by CWPS.
(A) Mice (n=11–12 per group) were immunized with CT alone or CT with CWPS with either one (CWPS/1) or two (CWPS/2) PCho moieties per repeat unit, at doses of 20 or 200 μg. Four weeks after the second immunization, mice were challenged with strain 0603, and the density of colonization determined one week later. Shown are the medians with interquartile range for the density of colonization as determined by the cfu of nasal washes. There are no differences in protection afforded by immunization with CWPS/1 or CWPS/2 at either dose tested. (B). In contrast, CWPS from S. mitis (which lacks PCho, and is designated CWPS/0) is not protective as compared to CWPS/1 (n=12 per group, *P=0.045 by Mann-Whitney U for comparison of CWPS/1 vs. CT). Dashed line represents the lower limit of detection.