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. 2009 Sep 1;32(9):1161–1172. doi: 10.1093/sleep/32.9.1161

Table 6.

Differential Parametric Effects of WM Load in Pretreatment and Posttreatment OSA Patients

H Anatomical region (BA) ATp K Cluster Labeling MNI
X y z
Pretreatment OSA > Posttreatment OSA, Inclusively masked by Conj
    No significant clusters
Pretreatment OSA > Posttreatment OSA, Exclusively masked by Conj
L     Hippocampus 80* 42 99% in L hippocampus −32 −18 −16 3.80
R     Fusiform gyrus/hippocampus 10 35 34.4% in R hippocampus 42 −20 −24 3.92
R     Fusiform gyrus/hippocampus 20 15 25% in R hippocampus 38 −14 −30 3.26
    Hippocampus 90* 52 100% in R hippocampus 30 −16 −34 3.48
R     SMA (6) 20 26 23.6% in R area 6 10 −26 50 3.67
L     IFG pars triangularis (45) 7 −40 36 4 3.47
L     Anterior cingulate cortex (24) 9 −2 24 18 3.36
Posttreatment OSA > Pretreatment OSA, Inclusively masked by Conj
    No significant clusters
Posttreatment OSA > Pretreatment OSA, Exclusively masked by Conj
    No significant clusters

From top to bottom, cerebral regions showing significantly different parametric effects of WM-load in pretreatment OSA vs. posttreatment OSA within, and outside, the commonly activated regions (a and b, respectively), and in posttreatment OSA vs. pretreatment OSA within, and outside, the commonly activated regions (c and d, respectively) (P < 0.001 uncorrected for multiple comparisons, minimum cluster size K = 4 voxels). H = Hemisphere, L = Left, R = Right, BA = estimated Brodmann area, ATp = most probable anatomical regions (where available) in the Anatomy toolbox [Eickhoff et al., 2005; asterisks denote assignment], K = cluster-extension in number of voxels (2 × 2 × 2 mm3), SMA = supplementary motor area, IFG = inferior frontal gyrus.