Interactions of C. albicans SC5314 with S. gordonii DL1 in biofilms formed on saliva-coated surfaces. (A) Biomasses of 16 h-biofilms formed at 37°C in 25% human saliva (Saliva), in 25% saliva containing 0.5% glucose (Slv-Glc), in YPT medium, or in YPT medium containing 0.5% glucose (YPT-Glc) by S. gordonii (Sg), C. albicans (Ca), or both S. gordonii and C. albicans (Ca+Sg). The results are representative of three experiments, and the error bars indicate standard deviations. (B) Percentages of cells forming hyphae after 3 h of incubation at 37°C in biofilms for C. albicans grown in 25% saliva containing 0.5% glucose or YPT-Glc, for C. albicans alone (Ca), for C. albicans to which S. gordonii was added (Ca+Sg), and for S. gordonii to which C. albicans was added (Sg+Ca). The results are representative of three experiments, and the error bars indicate standard deviations (*, P = 0.037; **, P = 0.012 [statistically significant]). (C) C. albicans 3-h biofilm in YPT-Glc, showing mixed morphological forms, including blastospores (B), hyphae (H), pseudohyphae (P), and buds (Bu). (D) S. gordonii 3-h biofilm in YPT-Glc, showing chains of cocci with a relatively even surface distribution. (E) Six-hour mixed biofilm in YPT-Glc of antecedent C. albicans (1 h) and S. gordonii, with clusters of streptococci on hyphae (arrows) and around some mother cells. (F) Eight-hour mixed biofilm in YPT-Glc of antecedent S. gordonii (1 h) and C. albicans, showing hyphal networking on a lawn of streptococci (pink). (G) C. albicans 3-h biofilm in 25% saliva containing 0.5% glucose, demonstrating the increased frequency of hyphal formation compared with the biofilm shown in panel C. (H) Eight-hour mixed biofilm in 25% saliva containing 0.5% glucose of antecedent C. albicans (1 h) and S. gordonii, showing high-density hyphal formation and deposition of streptococci. (I) Live/dead staining of C. albicans associated with S. gordonii after 24 h, with metabolically active hyphae (green) containing vacuoles (red). (J) C. albicans and P. aeruginosa PAO1 after 24 h, showing metabolically inactive vesicles (yellow) and dead hyphae.