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. 2000 May 27;320(7247):1432–1436. doi: 10.1136/bmj.320.7247.1432

Table 1.

Personal characteristics, job content, and health status scores of participants and women excluded from study. Values are numbers (percentages) unless stated otherwise

Variable measured in 1992 Participants (n=21 290) Excluded women (n=13 268)
Mean (SD) age (years) 54.0 (5.3) 57.8 (5.9)
Mean (SD) body mass index (kg/m2) 26.0 (5.0)* 26.4 (5.1)
Education level:
  Registered nurse or bachelor degree 18 139 (85.2) 11 776 (88.8)
 Graduate degree 3 067 (14.4) 1 425 (10.7)
 Data missing  84 (0.4)  67 (0.5)
Marital status:
  Married 17 403 (81.7) 10 636 (80.2)
 Not married 3 863 (18.2) 2 618 (19.7)
 Data missing  24 (0.1)  14 (0.1)
Smoking status:
  Never 9 567 (44.9) 5 667 (42.7)
 Former 8 698 (40.9) 5 456 (41.1)
 Current 2 986 (14.0) 2 123 (16.0)
 Data missing  39 (0.2)  22 (0.2)
Chronic illness:
  Yes 11 482 (53.9) 8 554 (64.5)
 No 9 808 (46.1) 4 714 (35.5)
Employment status:
  Full time 14 350 (67.4) 7 421 (55.9)
 Part time 6 816 (32.0) 5 721 (43.1)
 Data missing  124 (0.6)  126 (1.0)
Mean (SD) job content (1992):
  Job control 73.1 (10.8) 71.4 (10.6)
 Job demands 31.6 (6.1) 30.8 (6.1)
 Work related social support 24.0 (3.7) 23.9 (3.6)§
Mean (SD) SF-36 health status (1992):
 Physical functioning 90.3 (13.7) 86.9 (16.6)
 Role physical 82.3 (30.2) 77.5 (33.9)
 Bodily pain 76.9 (18.5) 74.7 (20.0)
 Vitality 64.0 (17.8) 62.9 (18.1)
 Social functioning 90.0 (17.1) 88.5 (18.9)
 Role emotional 84.7 (27.8) 83.4 (28.9)
 Mental health 76.1 (14.1) 76.0 (14.3)

20 119. 

12 364. 

18 473. 


11 141. 

Higher scores indicate better health status.