Table. Excerpt from SpolDB3 database showing prototype spoligotypes, visual recognition rules, and binary and octal descriptiona.
Rk | ST | Classb | Total (n)c | Rulesd | Binary description | Octal |
1 | 1 | Beijing | 1282 | ∆1–34 | οοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοννννννννν | 000000000003771 |
2 | 53 | T1 | 864 | F | ννννννννννννννννννννννννννννννννοοοοννννννν | 777777777760771 |
11 | 52 | T2 | 163 | ∆40 and F | ννννννννννννννννννννννννννννννννοοοονννοννν | 777777777760731 |
30 | 37 | T3 | 71 | ∆13 and F | ννννννννννννονννννννννννννννννννοοοοννννννν | 777737777760771 |
64 | 40 | T4 | 26 | ∆19 and F | ννννννννννννννννννονννννννννννννοοοοννννννν | 777777377760771 |
7 | 47 | Haarlem1 | 246 | ∆26–30 and E | νννννννννννννννννννννννννοοοοοονοοοοννννννν | 777777774020771 |
20 | 2 | Haarlem2 | 104 | ∆1–24, ∆26–30 and E | οοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοονοοοοοονοοοοννννννν | 000000004020771 |
3 | 50 | Haarlem3 | 519 | E | ννννννννννννννννννννννννννννννονοοοοννννννν | 777777777720771 |
6 | 119 | X1 | 310 | C | νννννννννννννννννοννννννννννννννοοοοννννννν | 777776777760771 |
4 | 137 | X2 | 427 | C and ∆39–42 | νννννννννννννννννοννννννννννννννοοοοννοοοον | 777776777760601 |
31 | 92 | X3 | 70 | ∆4–12 and C | νννοοοοοοοοονννννοννννννννννννννοοοοννννννν | 700036777760731 |
15 | 48 | EAI1 | 118 | A and ∆40 | ννννννννννννννννννννννννννννοοοονονννννοννν | 777777777413731 |
13 | 19 | EAI2 | 130 | ∆3, ∆20–21 and A | ννοννννννννννννννννοονννννννοοοονοννννννννν | 677777477413771 |
16 | 11 | EAI3 | 121 | ∆2-3, A and ∆37–39 | νοονννννννννννννννννννννννννοοοονοννοοονννν | 477777777413071 |
8 | 139 | EAI4 | 234 | ∆26–27 and A | νννννννννννννννννννννννννοονοοοονοννννννννν | 777777774413771 |
46 | 236 | EAI5 | 41 | A | ννννννννννννννννννννννννννννοοοονοννννννννν | 777777777413771 |
24 | 181 | Afri1 | 91 | ∆7–9 and ∆39 | ννννννοοονννννννννννννννννννννννννννννονννν | 770777777777671 |
ND | 331 | Afri2 | 9 | ∆8–12, ∆21–24 and ∆37–39 | νννννννοοοοοννννννννοοοοννννννννννννοοονννν | 774077607777071 |
ND | 438 | Afri3 | 3 | ∆8–12 and ∆37–39 | νννννννοοοοοννννννννννννννννννννννννοοονννν | 774077777777071 |
17 | 482 | M. bovis-BCG | 26 | ∆3, ∆9, ∆16 and D | ννονννννοννννννοννννννννννννννννννννννοοοοο | 676773777777600 |
ND | 641 | M. microti | 8 | 4-7, 23–24, 37–38 | οοοννννοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοννοοοοοοοοοοοοννοοοοο | 074000030000600 |
ND | 592 | M. canetti | 6 | 30 and 36 | οοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοονοοοοονοοοοοοο | 000000000101000 |
21 | 26 | CAS1 | 102 | ∆4–7, ∆23–34 | νννοοοονννννννννννννννοοοοοοοοοοοοννννννννν | 703777740003771 |
ND | 288 | CAS2 | 6 | ∆4–10, ∆23–34 | νννοοοοοοοννννννννννννοοοοοοοοοοοοννννννννν | 700377740003771 |
12 | 20 | LAM1 | 152 | ∆3 and B | ννονννννννννννννννννοοοοννννννννοοοοννννννν | 677777607760771 |
22 | 17 | LAM2 | 92 | ∆3, ∆13 and B | ννονννννννννονννννννοοοοννννννννοοοοννννννν | 677737607760771 |
19 | 33 | LAM3 | 108 | ∆9–11 and B | ννννννννοοονννννννννοοοοννννννννοοοοννννννν | 776177607760771 |
49 | 60 | LAM4 | 37 | ∆40 and B | ννννννννννννννννννννοοοοννννννννοοοονννοννν | 777777607760731 |
42 | 93 | LAM5 | 44 | ∆13 and B | ννννννννννννονννννννοοοοννννννννοοοοννννννν | 777737607760771 |
37 | 64 | LAM6 | 47 | ∆29 and B | ννννννννννννννννννννοοοοννννονννοοοοννννννν | 777777607560771 |
36 | 41 | LAM7 | 48 | ∆20, ∆26-27 and B | νννννννννννννννννννοοοοονοονννννοοοοννννννν | 777777404760771 |
NA | 290 | LAM8 | 9 | ∆27 and B | ννννννννννννννννννννοοοοννονννννοοοοννννννν | 777777606760771 |
5 | 42 | LAM9e | 344 | B | ννννννννννννννννννννοοοοννννννννοοοοννννννν | 777777607760771 |
9 | 61 | LAM10 | 202 | ∆23–25 and F | ννννννννννννννννννννννοοονννννννοοοοννννννν | 777777743760771 |
26 | 34 | Sf | 82 | ∆9–10 and F | ννννννννοοννννννννννννννννννννννοοοοννννννν | 776377777760771 |
28 | 451 | H37Rv | 78 | ∆20–21 and F | νννννννννννννννννννοονννννννννννοοοοννννννν | 777777477760771 |
aRk, ranking no.; ND, not done; ST, arbitrary designation; M., Mycobacterium. bClass: family definition. See text for the definition of the family acronyms. cTotal (n), size of the class; binary and octal, description. dRule A, absence of spacers 29–32, presence of spacer 33 and absence of spacer 34; rule B, absence of spacers 21–24 and spacers 33–36; rule C : absence of spacer 18 and spacers 33–36; rule D, absence of spacers 39–43; rule E, absence of spacer 31 and spacers 3–-36; rule F, absence of spacers 33–36. Clades defined with low sample size, such as Afri2, Afri3, CAS2, and LAM8 are subject to change. eFormerly LAM1. fFormerly LAM2.