Figure 2. The 3-D geometry of symmetry breaking.
(A and B) Top and side views of simulated network shortly after symmetry breaking showing that symmetry breaking is in one axis only. (C) 2-D projection of unconstrained simulation after symmetry breaking shows dent in the center of the shell. (D) 3-D isosurface representation of network and bead during symmetry breaking shows linear crack. (E and F) Same as (C and D), but network is constrained in z-direction between two parallel planes to mimic experimental conditions (note lesser dent in shell). (G–J) Projections and 3-D reconstructions of experimental data after symmetry breaking. (G and H) show a 5-µm bead with 15.5-µm spacers, (I and J) a 5-µm bead with 5.1-µm spacers. Arrows in (A–H) indicate rip in outer shell. See Figures S4, S5, and S6 for interactive 3D views.