Figure 1.
(a) BED prostate (CTV) dose volume histograms for HDR and IMRT boost plans. Each solid line corresponds to a patient receiving HDR boost, and each dashed line corresponds to a patient receiving a cIMRT boost. (b) BED rectum dose volume histograms for HDR and IMRT boost plans. Each solid line corresponds to a patient receiving HDR boost, each dotted line corresponds to a patient receiving an igIMRT boost, and each dashed line corresponds to a patient receiving a cIMRT boost. Note that HDR DVHs are truncated at approximately 2% of organ volume due to binning. The maximum physical dose in HDR boost falls in the 11.1–35.5Gy range with an average of 21.8 Gy, which corresponds to BED range of 52.2–461.7 Gy, with an average of 211 Gy