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. 2009 Aug 19;6(8):2271–2287. doi: 10.3390/ijerph6082271

Table 3.

Maximum likelihood logit estimates of obesity risk and associated marginal probabilities.

Variable Definition Estimate Pr > ChiSq Marginal effect
CONSTANT −3.4410 0.0001 ***
LEDUCA Level of education −0.1840 0.0008 −0.0344 ***
WNONH White Non-Hispanic −0.2585 0.2597 −0.0483
BNONH Black Non-Hispanic 0.1662 0.6806 0.0311
HISP Hispanic −0.8663 0.0609 −0.1620 *
PINC Household income 0.0000 0.0204 0.0000 **
INCSQ Household income squared −0.0000 0.0081 0.0000 ***
EMPLOYD Employed −0.2611 0.1138 −0.0488
STUDENT Student −0.7912 0.0898 −0.1480 *
RETD Retired −0.2374 0.2822 −0.0444
DSEX Male 0.1726 0.1104 0.0323
MALT Married or cohabited 0.0359 0.8565 0.0067
DIVSEP Divorced or Separated −0.2662 0.2244 −0.0498
NMARRI Never Married 0.3997 0.1137 0.0747
AGE Age 0.1409 0.0001 0.0263 ***
AGESQ Age squared −0.0014 0.0001 −0.0003 ***
SEDENT Sedentary 0.5201 0.0015 0.0973 ***
SMOKING Smoking −0.8086 0.0001 −0.1512 ***
HCARE Has health care 0.0330 0.8279 0.0062
RFDRHV At risk of alcohol consumption 0.0761 0.8211 0.0142
FRTVINDX Fruit and vegetable index −0.1186 0.0655 −0.0222 *
DDISTD Living in Depressed county −0.0861 0.5035 −0.0161
TRVT Average travel time (minutes) to work 0.0218 0.0720 0.0041 *

*/**/*** Significant at 10%, 5%, or 1% or higher level, respectively. N = 2115