Ed localization is dynamic throughout rotation. (A-F‴)
Anti-Arm (A-F, green) and anti-Ed (A′-F′, red) staining, and merge
(A″-F″), in sequentially older ommatidial precursors in
Drosophila third instar eye disc. Corresponding schematics
(A‴-F‴) are shown with Ed localization in ommatidial precursors
represented by solid red lines, Ed localization in cells outside the
ommatidial precursors shown in black, and dashed red lines indicating cell
boundaries where Ed is below detectable levels. The intensity of Ed staining
correlates with the line weight. (A-A‴) In row 1, Ed is localized in
all cells. (B-B‴) By row 3, Ed levels have diminished in R8, R2 and R5
(white arrow). Ed puncta are visible (yellow arrowheads). (C-C‴) Just
prior to the start of rotation, Ed levels drop in the photoreceptor cells (see
also H); Ed is visible at the R3/R4 (white arrow), R2/R3 and R4/R5 interfaces
and in puncta (yellow arrowhead). (D-D‴) Ed levels increase in the
photoreceptors as rotation progresses (yellow arrow). (E-E‴) In row 8,
Ed remains high in the photoreceptor and cone cells (white arrow), and levels
equalize between rotating and non-rotating cells (yellow arrow). (F-F‴)
At the completion of rotation, Ed is enriched at the cone cell/interommatidial
cell (IOC) (yellow arrow) and the cone cell/photoreceptor cell (white arrow)
boundaries. (G,G′) Key to the schematics in
A‴-F‴. cc, cone cell. (H) Low-magnification image of an
eye disc stained with anti-Ed antibody. Just before rotation begins, ommatidia
with low levels of Ed appear as `holes' in the staining pattern (white
arrows). Mitotic cells, which also resemble `holes' (yellow arrowhead), are
distinct. (I,J) Ed (red) vesicles colocalize with (I) Rab5-GFP
(green) and (J) Rab7-GFP (green) positive puncta in both IOCs (puncta shown by
yellow arrows) and photoreceptor cells (puncta shown by white arrows).
(K) Vesicular Ed (red) does not colocalize with anti-Rab11 staining
(green) in recycling endosomes in either IOCs (yellow arrows) or
photoreceptors (white arrows).