Table 2.
Typical Sleep Architecture Values For Normal Children Aged 1–18 Years
Parameter | Usual value | References |
Sleep efficiency (%) | 89%, large variability | (26;41;42) |
Sleep latency (min) | 23, large variability | (26;41;42) |
REM latency (min) | 87–155 (< 10 years of age) 136–156 (> 10 years of age) |
(41;42) |
Arousal index (N/hr) | 9–16 | (26;41;42) |
Stage N1 (%TST) | 4–5 | (26;34;42) |
Stage N2 (%TST) | 44–56 | (26;34;42) |
Stage N3 (%TST) | 29–32 (< 10 years of age) 20 (> 10 years of age) |
(26;34;42) |
Stage R (%TST) | 17–21 (can be higher in young children) | (26;34;42) |
Data are approximated from mean and median values provided in references from large studies of normal children. Sleep stage distributions from reference (41) are not provided as data in that study are quoted as percent of total sleep period and not %TST. TST, total sleep time.