Fig. 4.
XMRV DNA and proteins were more prevalent in prostate cancer than in controls, and especially frequent in high-grade cancers, and there was no correlation between presence of XMRV and any particular RNASEL genotype. (A) Number of prostate cancers or controls that were positive or negative for XMRV, either by qPCR or by IHC. (B–D) XMRV-positive cases (by either IHC or qPCR) correlated with Gleason grades (B), tumor stage (C), or age at diagnosis (D). (E) Presence of XMRV DNA or protein and the RNASEL genotype. Relative frequencies of RR, RQ, and QQ alleles in RNASEL at residue 462 were compared in prostate cancer cases and controls (Left), in cancers that tested positive or negative for XMRV DNA by qPCR (Center), and in cancers that tested positive or negative for XMRV proteins by IHC (Right). Cases are shown as percentages of total on the y axis and as number of cases within columns.