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. 2009 Jul 7;87(9):655–665. doi: 10.2471/BLT.08.055632

Table 4. Factors affecting Anopheles adult resting densities in households, Kenya, 2004–2007.

Factor No.a %a OR 95% CI
Study area
Musilongo 360 16.8 1.000
Emutete 348 16.2 1.311 0.807–2.131
Kezege 359 16.7 0.651 0.319–1.330
Wamondo 360 16.8 0.110 0.066–0.184
Wakikuyu 358 16.7 0.179 0.127–0.251
Kimingini 360 16.8 0.421 0.253–0.702
Study period
Baseline 1075 50.1 1.000
Intervention 1070 49.9 0.140 0.065–0.304
Survey season
Dry 1069 49.8 1.000
Short rains 536 25.0 0.985 0.736–1.319
Long rains 540 25.2 1.746 1.322–2.305
People sleeping in house before sampling
1–2 686 32.0 1.000
3–4 856 39.9 1.181 0.930–1.500
> 4 603 28.1 1.525 1.052–2.212
ITN use in the household
No 1656 77.2 1.000
Yes 489 22.8 0.844 0.637–1.119
Larviciding in area
No 1605 74.8 1.000
Yes 540 25.2 0.353 0.149–0.838

CI, confidence interval; ITN, insecticide-treated net; OR, odds ratio.
a The number and proportion of indoor-resting collections per factor analysed.