FIGURE 6. p105 deficiency has no effect on Th17 differentiation from naïve CD4 T cells in vitro but causes hyperproduction of IL-6 in macrophages.
A, In vitro differentiation of Th17 cells. Purified native CD4+ T cells from WT, nfκb1−/−, and p105−/− mice were stimulated for 4 days with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 either in the absence (no cytokine) or presence of IL-6 plus TGF-β. Th17 and Th1 cells were analyzed by ICS and flow cytometry. B, Macrophages were prepared from the bone marrow cells of the indicated genotypes of mice. The cells were either not treated (NT) or stimulated for 4 hr with LPS (1 µg/ml), CpG (1 µM), or an agonistic antibody against murine CD40 (10 µg/ml). Real time RT-PCR was performed to measure the relative levels of IL-6 induction.