Figure 1.
MRI of the liver. T2-weighted single-shot turbo spinecho imaging (HASTE) MRI of the liver shows slightly hyperintense polylobular lesion in the left lobe of the liver, segment II (A, arrows). Multiple nodular structures are identified in the splenic recess indicating recurrent splenic tissue after splenectomy (large arrow).
After intravenous application of Gadolinium-DTPA (Magnevist, Schering, Berlin, Germany), these lesions exhibit marked contrast enhancement in the early arterial phase, as it may also be seen in the case of hepato-cellular carcinoma (B). With hepato-specific contrast agents (iron-oxide particles, Resovist®, Schering, Berlin, Germany), the hepatic lesion lacks iron uptake, which is shown on axial and coronal T2*-weighted images (C, D) and is indicative of the presence of non-hepatic tissue. Especially the coronal images delineate the indenting nature of the space-occupying lesion into the hepatic tissue and the close relationship to the diaphragm, suggesting an extrahepatic location of the lesion (D).