Figure 1.
A: The UV-Vis absorption spectra of azide 5 in several solvents (ε(445) = 1390 M−1 cm−1 in CH3CN) normalized to unity at the visible absorption maximum. The UV-part of the spectrum is shown in the inset. The arrows indicate the excitation wavelengths used in the current study. B-D: Transient absorption (ΔA) spectra of a 16 mM solution of azide 5 in i-PrOH shown for various delay times between the 350 nm pump and probe pulses. The solution was flowed through a 0.5-mm flow cell and excited with 4 μJ pulses. The delay times in picoseconds are shown in the frame legends: B (short times, 0.1-1 ps), C (intermediate times, 1-20 ps), and D (long times, 20-1100 ps). Data in D represent smoothed spectra by adjacent-averaging (bandwidth, 3.5 nm). The solvent contribution to the ΔA spectra is minor at delay times equal to or longer than 100 fs, except for the 388.9-nm feature that corresponding to stimulated Raman scattering from i-PrOH and yields11 the instrument response function, 150 fs (fwhm).