Figure 4.
Reconstructed decay-associated spectra (εi) extracted from the ΔA transient absorption spectra of azide 5 in i-PrOH irradiated with 350 nm laser pulses. The time constants (τi) obtained from a least-square global fit of the 512 ΔA kinetic traces to a sum of four exponential functions and a permanent offset are shown in the insets. A: absorption of excited electronic state of azide 5; B: hot ground state of 5 following internal conversion; C: hot singlet nitrene and probably residual hot ground state of azide 5 at 528 nm; D: triplet nitrene and nitrenium ion 10; E: nitrenium ion 10; F: ns/ μs decay of the nitrenium ion 10 (486 nm) and formation of the adduct 14 (445 nm).