Fig. 8. Effect of IL-8, TNF, IL-1, or FMLP on NF-κB activation in HEK293, HEK293 (IRAK−/−), and HEK293 (IRAK-reconstituted) cells.
Cells were stimulated with different concentrations of IL-8, 10 pM TNF, 100 ng/ml IL-1, or 100 pM FMLP for 2 h. The nuclear extracts were prepared and assayed for NF-κB (A). Cells were transfected with NF-κB-SEAP construct and then culture for 12 h. Transfected cells were stimulated with IL-8 (100 ng/ml), TNF (10 pM), IL-1 (100 ng/ml), or FMLP (100 pM) for 24 h, and culture supernatant was assayed for SEAP (B) and indicated as fold of activation against vector control.