l-[14C]Citrulline production assays containing nNOSr with dMT. Measurement of the conversion of l-[14C]arginine to l-[14C]citrulline was performed on various amounts of dMT in the presence of nNOSr (30 nm). The incubates are as follows: 1st bar, dMT alone; 2nd bar, MIB alone; 3rd bar, nNOSr + intact 150 μg of MT; 4th bar, nNOSr alone; 5th bar, nNOSr + 150 μg of dMT; 6th bar, nNOSr + 280 μg of dMT; 7th bar, nNOSr + 560 μg of dMT. Values from control incubation containing all ingredients except enzyme were subtracted from all data points. Data were expressed as the mean ± range of values, of experimental data points from two independent experiments, each run in duplicate.