A model for the regulation of SIRT1 activity at target gene promoters by NAMPT and NMNAT-1. SIRT1 binds to target gene promoters and regulates the acetylation status of transcription factors, histones, and other chromatin-associated proteins in an NAD+-dependent manner. Both NAMPT and NMNAT-1 localize to the nucleus and constitute an NAD+ recycling pathway. Nuclear NAD+ production by NAMPT and NMNAT-1 supports SIRT1 deacetylase activity. In addition, NMNAT-1 interacts with SIRT1 and is recruited to SIRT1 target gene promoters. Interactions between NMNAT-1 and SIRT1 on chromatin may underlie novel mechanisms for transcriptional regulation by SIRT1. TF, transcription factor. CoReg, coregulator.