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. 2009 May 12;284(29):19659–19667. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M109.013458


Data collection and refinement statistics

Protein Data Bank code 3GB5 3GFD 3GH8

Data collection
    Space group P3121 P3221 P21
    Cell dimensions
        a, b, c (Å) 87.8, 87.8, 62.7 105.3, 105.3, 162.2 50.61, 112.56, 189.25
        α, β, γ (°) 90.00, 90.00, 120.00 90.00, 90.00, 120.00 90.00, 89.99, 90.00
    Molecules/asymmetric unit 1 2 8
    Wavelength (Å) 1.653 0.9795 0.9795
    Resolution (Å) 50-2.0 50-2.45 50-2.6
    Rsym 0.057 (0.581)b 0.081 (0.439)b 0.086 (0.295)b
    II 63.7 (4.3)b 20.0 (3.7)b 9.7 (2.4)b
    Completeness (%) 99.8 (99.0)b 99.2 (99.3)b 97.1 (92.9)b
    Redundancy 14.0 (8.9)b 4.7 (4.7)b 2.6 (2.5)b

    Resolution (Å) 30-2.0 30-2.45 30-2.6
    Rwork/Rfree (%) 16.7/18.9 14.3/17.8 18.1/26.4
    No. protein residues in monomers A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H 220 221/220 220/219/220/219/220/219/220/219
    No. non-protein atoms
        Ligand 43 102 370
        Solvent 132 540 300
    Mean B-factors (Å2) 32.6 38.8 35.5
    r.m.s.a deviations
        Bond lengths (Å) 0.020 0.019 0.019
        Bond angles (°) 1.569 2.016 1.926
    Ramachandran plot
        Most favorable (%) 92.5 92.2 88.3
        Additionally allowed (%) 7.5 7.3 10.9
        Generously allowed (%) 0.0 0.5 0.3
        Disallowed (%) 0.0 0.0 0.4

a Root mean square.

b Statistics for last shell.