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. 2009 Sep 22;6(9):e1000153. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000153

Table 2. Change in numbers and rates of preterm birth in association with each obstetric outcome with time.

Number Rate per 1000 Singleton Births
Obstetric Outcome Gestation (wk) 1980–1984 1985–1989 1990–1994 1995–1999 2000–2004 1980–1984 1985–1989 1990–1994 1995–1999 2000–2004 % Increase or Decrease p (Chi-Square Test for Linear Trend)
All singleton births All 324,725 319,361 313,659 280,613 251,716
Singleton preterm birth 24–36 17,659 17,822 18,216 17,070 16,094 54.38 55.81 58.08 60.83 63.94 17.6% <0.01
24–27 597 654 988 947 973 1.84 2.05 3.15 3.37 3.87 110.3% <0.01
28–31 2,291 2,228 2,274 2,017 1,910 7.06 6.98 7.25 7.19 7.59 7.6% <0.01
32–36 14,771 14,940 14,954 14,106 13,211 45.49 46.78 47.68 50.27 52.48 0.15% <0.01
Spontaneous preterm births with pPROM 24–36 1,093 1,260 2,512 2,727 2,450 3.37 3.95 8.01 9.72 9.73 189.2% <0.01
24–27 63 91 175 159 144 0.19 0.28 0.56 0.57 0.57 194.9% <0.01
28–31 196 221 375 342 308 0.60 0.69 1.20 1.22 1.22 102.7% <0.01
32–36 834 948 1,962 2,226 1,998 2.57 2.97 6.26 7.93 7.94 2.09% <0.01
Spontaneous preterm births without pPROM 24–36 13,160 12,803 11,673 9,973 9,897 40.53 40.09 37.22 35.54 39.32 −3.0% <0.01
24–27 496 509 648 495 594 1.53 1.59 2.07 1.76 2.36 54.5% <0.01
28–31 1,589 1,466 1,442 1,248 1,295 4.89 4.59 4.60 4.45 5.14 5.1% <0.01
32–36 11,075 10,828 9,583 8,230 8,008 34.11 33.91 30.55 29.33 31.81 −0.07% <0.01
Induction/elective caesarean delivery 24–36 3,394 3,743 4,005 4,346 3,722 10.45 11.72 12.77 15.49 14.79 41.5% <0.01
24–27 37 53 162 293 235 0.11 0.17 0.52 1.04 0.93 719.4% <0.01
28–31 505 538 452 427 305 1.56 1.68 1.44 1.52 1.21 −22.1% <0.01
32–36 2,852 3,152 3,391 3,626 3,182 8.78 9.87 10.81 12.92 12.64 0.44% <0.01

pPROM, premature rupture of membranes.