Table 1.
Character | Explained variance | P-value |
LN(PLg) | 0.0270 | 0.7550 (17) |
LN(10*MD) | 0.3517 | 0.0004 (2) |
S0.1 | 0.1624 | 0.0555 (5) |
P | 0.3805 | 0.0004 (3) |
Min | 0.0387 | 0.5395 (13) |
Max | 0.0412 | 0.5807 (14) |
Srad | 0.0999 | 0.2110 (6) |
Prad | 0.3723 | 0.0004 (4) |
Minrad | 0.0289 | 0.6748 (16) |
Maxrad | 0.0752 | 0.3093 (8) |
Cc | 0.0449 | 0.4461 (12) |
Cp | 0.0617 | 0.4099 (10) |
Cg3 | 0.4578 | 0.0001 (1) |
Each compactness profile and body size parameter was considered as the dependent variable and the lifestyle (binary coding) and some principal coordinates (PCs) (retained by a broken-stick model) were considered as the independent variables (only the portion related exclusively to the phylogeny is shown). The broken-stick model retained only the first three PCs (PC1, PC2, PC3), which represent 60.35% of the phylogenetic variance of the 46 species. Numbers in parentheses next to the probabilities indicate the rank in the family of tests of phylogenetic signal (see Table 5). LN(PLg), natural logarithm of presacral length (from atlas to sacrum) (in cm); LN(10*MD), natural logarithm of 10*maximal diameter (of the cross-section) (in mm); Cg, global compactness of the bone cross-section; P, relative distance from the center to the point of inflection, where the most abrupt change in compactness is observed (P is proportional to the size of the medullary cavity); Prad, radial value of P; LS, lifestyle; S, reciprocal of the slope at the inflection point that generally reflects the width of the transition zone between the cortical compacta and medulla; Min, compactness in the center of the medullary region; Max, compactness in the outermost cortex; Srad, Minrad and Maxrad are respectively the radial values of parameters S, Min and Max; Cp, compactness in the periphery of the cross-section; Cc, compactness in the center of the bone section.