Fig. 2.
UNC-40 (DCC) is required for correct presynaptic patterning in AIY. (A to J) Distribution of presynaptic sites of AIY in wild-type [(A) to (E)] or unc-40 [(F) to (J)] animals. Confocal micrographs demonstrate the colocalization and patterning of AIY presynaptic vesicles [mCherry::RAB-3 pseudocolored red in (A) and (F)] and active zones [ELKS-1/ERC::YFP pseudocolored green in (B) and (G)] in a representative wild-type [(A) to (C)] or unc-40 [(F) to (H)] animal, evident in the double-label merge images [(C) and (H)] and represented in the diagram of presynaptic site distribution [(D) and (I)]. Three-dimension line scan profiles of the fluorescence intensity (arbitrary units, AU) distribution in (A) and (F). (K) Quantification comparing the relative distribution of synaptic vesicle fluorescence in wild-type (blue; n = 20 neurons) versus unc-40 animals (red; n = 31 neurons). Error bars represent standard error, and the asterisk represents statistical significance (P < 0.001). (L and M) unc-40 (e271) animals expressing an unstable transgene containing an unc-40 rescuing construct, and cytoplasmic cell-specific markers in AIY and RIA (L) or RIB/RIM (M) were scored for retention of the transgene and rescue of the AIY presynaptic phenotype. ***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01, and *P < 0.05 between indicated groups. Scale bars, 5 µm.