Table 1.
Key data from RCTs studying constitutional acupuncture in Korean literature
First author (year) ref. | Sample size and subjects included | Quality score,a allocation concealment | Experimental treatment (regimen) | Control treatment (regimen) | Main outcomes | Intergroup difference | Author's conclusion |
Park (2007) (9) | 55 idiopathic Parkinson's disease | 4 (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 0) unclear | (A) Sasang constitutional AT (15 min, 2 times weekly for 4 weeks, n = 12) | (B) AT (15 min, 2 times weekly for 4 weeks, n = 21) (C) Placebo AT (non-acupuncture points, 15 min, 2 times weekly for 4 weeks, n = 13) | (1) UPDRS (2) Freezing of gait | (1) B versus C, NS; A versus C, P = 0.014 (NS-reviewerb); A versus B, P = 0.041 (NS-reviewerb) (2) B versus C, NS; A versus C, P = 0.001 (NS-reviewerb); A versus B, P = 0.001 (NS-reviewerb) | ‘[…] Sasang Constitutional acupuncture treatment can be applicable to improve symptoms with idiopathic PD’ |
Chae (2001) (10) | 29 herniated nucleus pulposus | 2 (1 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0) unclear | Eight constitutional AT (n.r., 1–2 times daily for 10 days, total of 15 times, n = 12) | AT (n.r., 1–2 times daily for 10 days, total 15 times, n = 17) | Pain (VAS) | P < 0.005 in favor of constitutional acupuncture | ‘Eight constitution acupuncture is more effective than classical acupuncture in pain relief for the patient with back pain and sciatica.’ |
Chae (2004) (11) | 40 osteoarthritis (knee joint) | 2 (1 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0) unclear | Eight constitutional AT (n.r., 3 times weekly, total 20 times, n = 20) | AT (15 min, 3 times weekly, total 20 times, n = 20) | Pain (VAS) | P < 0.05 in favor of constitutional acupuncture | ‘Eight constitution acupuncture may be more effective in pain reduction compared to classical acupuncture in degenerative arthritis of the knee joint.’ |
AT: acupuncture; n.r.: not reported; NS: not significant; PD: Parkinson's disease; UPDRS: unified Parkinson's disease rating scale; VAS: visual analogue scale.
aQuality score: modified Jadad score (randomization 1 point + appropriate randomization method 1 point + describing withdrawals and dropouts 1 point + patient blinding 1 point + assessor blinding 1 point), maximum 5 points.
bWe have found the comparison results of the original research as non significant despite the original research reporting significant P-values.