Figure 5.
SSSs related to stimulus inputs are associated with firing rate modulations. Comparison of SSSs and rate modulations between high tone and low tone trials was selected in this example. Each subfigure averages all correct trials of a session. Results of U-tests of 5 s of tone presentation in the preceding trial, 5 s of delay, and 2 s of tone presentation in the next trial are shown. Additional details are described in Section ‘Materials and Methods’. (A) Firing rates of neuron 7 in high tone (red) and low tone (blue) trials. (B,C) Raster plots of spikes of neuron 7 in high tone (red) and low tone (blue) trials. (D) P-values of neuron 7 for a difference between rates in high tone and low tone trials. The dotted red line represents the level of significance, α (=2; P = 0.01). The significant period (P < 0.01) is enclosed in the green shaded box. (E)–(I) and (N) are shown in the same manner as in (A)–(D). (E) Firing rates of neuron 8. (F,G) Raster plots of neuron 8. (H) P-values of neuron 8. (I) Rates of the SSS between neurons 7 and 8. (J–M) In copies of raster plots from (B), (C), (F), and (G) (black dots), SSSs are shown as green dots. (N) P-value of the SSS between neurons 7 and 8. The significant firing rates of neurons 7 and 8 are associated with SSS.