Figure 7.
SSSs related to motor outputs are associated with firing rate modulations. Comparison of SSSs and rate modulations between non-match/match (go/no-go) trials was selected in this example. Each subfigure averages all correct trials of a session. Results of U-tests of 11 s of tone presentation in the preceding trial, 5 s of delay, and 2 s of tone presentation in the next trial are shown. (A) Firing rates of neuron 9 in match (red) and non-match (blue) trials. (B,C) Raster plots of spikes of neuron 9 in match (red) and non-match (blue) trials. (D) P-values of neuron 9 for a difference between rates in match trials and in non-match trials. (E) Firing rates of neuron 10. (F,G) Raster plots of neuron 10. (H) P-values of neuron 10. (I) Rates of the SSS between neurons 9 and 10. (J–M) In copies of raster plots from (B), (C), (F), and (G) (black dots), SSSs are shown as green dots. (N) P-value of the SSS between neurons 9 and 10. The significant firing rates of neurons 9 and 10 are associated with SSS. Additional details are presented in Figure 5 and described in Section ‘Materials and Methods’.