Tau-dependent re-distribution of JIP1 in K3 neurons. A, immunohistochemistry of sagittal brain sections reveals a predominantly axonal staining of JIP1 (green) in wild-type mice, with little staining of neuronal cell bodies. In contrast, JIP1 accumulates in the cell body of cortical neurons of K3 mice, whereas axons hardly contain JIP1. Neurons were counter-stained with microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) or neuronal nuclei (NeuN) (red). Scale bar, 100 μm. B, higher magnification (boxes in A) of layer V neuronal cell bodies (soma (s)) and their axons (a) passing through neuronal layer VI. JIP1 accumulates in K3 neuronal cell bodies (arrowhead), whereas they are hardly stainable in wild-type (wt) neurons. C, thus, the ratio of somatic versus axonal JIP1 is significantly increased in K3 mice, indicating trapping of JIP1 in the cell body (*, p < 0.0001).