Abnormality in ductal branching in the Klf6-deficient prostate epithelium. Morphological ductal aberrations in Klf6-deficient anterior prostates were first observed at P5 and retained in adult mice. Light microscopy images (A, B, E, and F) and H&E staining (C and D) of Klff/fNkx3.1+/+ (A, C, and E) and Klff/fNkx3.1Cre/+ (B, D, and F) from P5 and 1-year-old anterior prostates that were microdissected prior to imaging. Only one side of the symmetrical anterior lobe was imaged, and three mice were imaged from each stage. Branching was visible in both microdissected (arrow, A) and H&E-stained (arrow, C) P5 sections from Klff/fNkx3.1+/+ but not in Klff/fNkx3.1Cre/+ (B and D). Ex vivo ultrasound imaging allowed visualization of the interior of anterior prostate of Klff/fNkx3.1+/+ (G) that appears dense and white due to extensive epithelial infolding in the ducts, and the single layer of while epithelial lumen that outlines the main ducts of Klff/fNkx3.1Cre/+ mice (H). Arrowhead (in H) points to the significantly enhanced luminal space present within the main duct of Klff/fNkx3.1Cre/+ anterior prostate. H&E staining of prostates obtained from 6-month-old (I and K) Klff/fNkx3.1+/+ and (J and L) Klff/fNkx3.1Cre/+ mice. Note that the widest region at the base of Klff/fNkx3.1+/+ prostate (K) fits into the field of view, whereas the narrowest region of Klff/fNkx3.1Cre/+ prostate (L) does not fit into the field of view. Epithelial infolding that spans the lumen was more extensive in Klff/fNkx3.1+/+ prostates (arrow, I) than Klff/fNkx3.1Cre/+ prostates (arrow, J). Insets represent higher magnification of the regions marked by the dotted square in K and L, respectively, that revealed nuclei with normal characteristics. Immunofluorescent staining of Klf6 expression in prostate tissues obtained from 8-week-old Klff/fNkx3.1+/+ (M and O) and Klff/fNkx3.1Cre/+ (N and P) mice. Klf6, which is a transcription factor, was highly localized to the nuclei of Klff/fNkx3.1+/+ prostate epithelium (arrows, O), and depletion of Klf6 in the Klff/fNkx3.1Cre/+ prostate was confirmed by the absence of green signal in the nuclei (arrowhead, P). I, J, M, and N, low magnification and high magnification (K, L, O, and P) of respective images. Bar in A, 500 μm for A and B, 1000 μm for E and F, and 750 μm for G and H. Bar in C, 50 μm for C and D. Bar in K, 200 μm for I and J and 100 μm for K–N. Bar in O, 50 μm for O and P.