Lsm10 and Lsm11 mutants fail to properly process histone pre-mRNA and are necessary for development. (A) Total RNA isolated from whole third instar larvae of the indicated genotypes was subjected to Northern analysis with a 32P-labeled H3 probe. Note that the severity of the misprocessed H3 phenotype is similar in U720, Lsm10G40E, and Lsm11c02047 mutants, while the terminal developmental phenotype is different: viable for U720 and not viable for the Lsm10G40E and Lsm11c02047 null mutants. The Lsm10f06616 hypomorph is viable. (B) Protein extracts prepared from embryos of the indicated genotypes were probed with anti-V5 antibodies by Western blotting. P[Lsm11+] is a transgene expressing a V5-Lsm11 with the endogenous Lsm11 promoter. “11” Refers to the homozygous Lsm11c02047 genotype. Lane 3 contains protein from a nontransgenic control. Note that in a wild-type Lsm11 background there is very little accumulation of V5-Lsm11 protein. α–Tubulin is used as a loading control. (C) Protein extracts isolated from whole third instar larvae of the indicated genotypes were subjected to immunoprecipitation then Western blot analysis with anti-V5 antibody. Lane 2 contains protein from nontransgenic control. (D,E) RNA isolated from whole third instar larvae of the indicated genotypes was subjected to Northern analysis with 32P-labeled H3 probe. “10” Refers to the Lsm10G40E/Df mutant genotype. Note that there is very little misprocessed H3 in both Lsm11c02047, P[Lsm11+] and Lsm10G40E/Df, P[Lsm10+] genotypes. (F) Protein extracts prepared from whole third instar larvae of the indicated genotypes were probed with anti-Lsm10 antibodies. Note that the lane 1 genotype contains a single copy of P[Lsm10+], accounting for the reduction in Lsm10 accumulation relative to wild type (+). All other P[Lsm] transgenes are present in two copies.