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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2009 Sep 14.
Published in final edited form as: Neuroinformatics. 2008 Oct 31;6(3):175–194. doi: 10.1007/s12021-008-9032-z

Table 1.

Domains and subdomains covered by NIF, along with the vocabularies imported from external sources for each, and the corresponding NIF OWL module

Domain External sources Import or adapt to OWL NIF module Unique classes (as of 4/28/08) Comment
Organism taxonomy NCBI Taxonomy, GBIF, ITIS, IMSR, Jackson Labs mouse catalog adapt 760 Specifically the taxonomy of model organisms in common use by neuroscientists
Molecules IUPHAR ion channels and receptors, Sequence Ontology (SO); pending: NCBI Entrez Gene, NCBI Entrez Protein, NCBI RefSeq, NCBI Homologene; NIDA drug lists, PDSP Ki, ChEBI, and Protein Ontology Adapt IUPHAR; import SO 3,883 Tested OWL representation techniques on this limited number of molecules (~750). See below for more detail on how molecules in general are to be addressed in NIFSTD
Sub-cellular anatomy Sub-cellular Anatomy Ontology (SAO) Import 827 SAO covers general cellular structure—referencing the Gene Ontology Cellular Component taxonomy—and more nerve cell-specific structures needed to characterize ultrastructural studies of the nervous system
Cell CCDB, NeuronDB, terminologies; pending: OBO Cell Ontology Adapt 128
Multi-scale representation of Nervous System Mac Macroscopic anatomy NeuroNames extended by including terms from BIRN, SumsDB,, etc Adapt 1,398
Nervous system function Sensory, Behavior, Cognition terms from NIF, BIRN,, MeSH, and UMLS Adapt 152
Nervous system dysfunction Nervous system disease from MeSH, NINDS terminology; pending: OMIM Adapt 333
Phenotypic qualities PATO Import 1949 Imported as part of the OBO foundary core
Investigation: reagents Overlaps with molecules above, especially RefSeq for mRNA, ChEBI, Sequence ontology; pending: Protein Ontology Adapt and import n.a.
Investigation: instruments Import 566 BIRNLex-Investigation imports a BIRNLex-OBI-Proxy file being assembled in parallel with the Ontology of Biomedical Investigation (OBI) This proxy will be replaced by OBI itself, once there is a full production release of OBI
Investigation: protocols and plans Biomaterial transformations, assays, data collection, data transformation Import (Included in 566 above) same as above—i.e., ultimately derived from OBI
Investigation: resource type NIF, OBI, IATR/NITRC, NCBC Resourceome ontology (BRO) Mostly adapt, except for OBI (Included in 566 above) Will ultimately be a single ontology shared by NITRC, Resourceome, OBI, and NIF

Also indicated is whether the source was in OWL or needed to be adapted, the number of unique classes (concepts) under each domain/subdomain and any comments about the import

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