Figure 7. Treatment with Mitochondria Depleted of N-formyl Peptides Elicits Attenuated Monocyte IL-8 Release.
Rho(0) HepG2 cells exhibited reduced mitochondrial DNA-encoded cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 (COXII) expression (A), and had diminished capacity for electron transport (B). Compared to proteins isolated from normal HepG2 mitochondria, mitochondrial proteins derived from Rho(0) HepG2 cells (500 ng/ml) elicited reduced monocyte IL-8 release (C), and the same relationship was observed when whole cell lysates from normal and Rho(0) cells (5 μg/ml) were compared (not shown) (*p <0.01, compared to Normal HepG2 mitochondrial protein).