Figure 8. FPR Inhibition Significantly Reduces Monocyte IL-8 Release Induced by Cell Lysates or Mitochondrial Proteins.
(A) The pharmacological inhibitor of FPR, CsH (3 μM), significantly decreased monocyte IL-8 release in response to treatment with necrotic HepG2 cell lysates (5 μg/ml) (*p<0.05, relative to Control; †p<0.05, compared to cell lysate alone). LPS (10 ng/ml) was used as the positive control. (B) Pretreatment with CsH (3 μM) or Boc-FLFLF (10 μM) attenuated monocyte IL-8 release in response to mitochondrial membrane proteins (50 ng/ml); whereas, the small G-protein inhibitor, pertussis toxin (1 μg/ml) had no significant effect (*p<0.05, relative to Control; †p<0.05, compared to mitochondrial membrane alone; ‡p<0.05, relative to Control and mitochondrial membrane alone).