Figure 3. Contrast maps for animal vs. nonliving stimuli for all groups of participants.
Voxels showing differential BOLD responses for animal stimuli compared to nonliving stimuli are shown on the red-yellow color scale (panel A), while voxels showing differential BOLD responses for nonliving things compared to animals are shown on the blue-green color scale (panel B). For visualization purposes, all statistical contrast maps were thresholded at p <.01, uncorrected. Within the left lateral occipital ROI (see Figure 2), the voxels showing the greatest difference between animal and nonliving stimuli were: Sighted participants auditory size-judgments: −43, −76, −5; peak effect: t = 3.61, p <.001; Congenitally Blind: −43, −76, −7; peak effect: t = 2.49, p <.02; Sighted participants viewing pictures: −42, −76, −2; peak effect: t = 5.44, p <.001. Within the bilateral medial ventral stream ROIs (see Figure 2), the voxels showing the greatest difference between animal and nonliving stimuli were: Sighted participants auditory size-judgment: Left: −24, −40, −11; peak effect: t = −9.20, p <.001; Right: 27, −31, −17; t = −7.96, p <.001; Congenitally Blind: Left: −30, −46, −8; peak effect: t = −9.25, p <.001; Right: 30, −37, −11; peak effect: t = −6.21, p <.001; Sighted participants viewing pictures: Left: −24, −40, −11; peak effect: t = −6.88, p <.001; Right: 27, −49, −8; peak effect: t = −13.21, p <.001.