Figure 5. Medial-to-lateral index computed over ventral occipital-temporal cortex.
A. The color overlay shows the extent of the ROI in ventral occipital-temporal cortex (maximum ‘y’ Talairach = −20, minimum ‘y’ Talairach = −70; following Pietrini and colleagues, 2004. Within the ventral occipital-temporal ROI, a medial-to-lateral index was calculated, by averaging the contrast-weighted t-values (animal stimuli – nonliving stimuli) along the anterior-posterior (‘y’) and superior-inferior (‘z’) dimensions, within the range of |25| to |40| on the x axis in Talairach space. The results of this analysis are plotted in panels B for sighted participants viewing pictures, C for sighted participants performing auditory size-judgments, and D for blind participants. Error bars on all graphs represent the standard error of the mean for contrast-weighted t-values, averaged along the z and y axes. Vertical red dotted lines are placed at the mean t-value, in order to indicate the corresponding Talairach coordinate.