Table 1.
The model equations of the six retention models. In each equation, the symbol p (0 < p < 1) denotes the predicted probability of correct recall as a function of time interval t with model parameters a, b and c. Note that for the power model (POW), the decay factor is defined as (t+1) so that the probability remains between 0 and 1 for all positive t values
Model | Equation |
Power (POW) | p = a(t+1)-b |
Exponential (EXP) | p = ae-bt |
Hyperbolic (HYP) | p = a/(a+tb) |
Power with asymptote (POWA) | p = a(t+1)-b+ c |
Exponential with asymptote (EXPA) | p = ae-bt+ c |
Exponential with exponent (EXPE) | p = ae-btc |