Figure 4. Bone marrow-derived cell (BMDC) accumulation in the primary tumors, lung metastases and surrounding (peri-metastatic) lung tissues after VEGFR1 blockade.
Confocal images of cryo-sectioned primary tumor (A–D), peri-metastatic lung tissue (E–H) and metastatic lung tumors (I–L) collected from BMT-Actb-GFP/C57BL mice (BMDCs are shown in green) after IgG (A, C, E, G, I, K) or MF1 (B, D, F, H, J, L) treatment. Tissues were counterstained with DAPI nuclear dye (in blue). The width of images in A–J is 512 µm and images in K and L are 256 µm across.