Results of an Implicit Association Test (IAT) measuring the strength of associations between self-injury and the self for those with and without a history of nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI; A) and for those with or without a history of suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts (regardless of NSSI status; B). In both experiments, self-injury was represented by images of cut skin (versus images of non-cut skin) and the self was represented by words related to the self (“I,” “mine,” “me”) (versus words related to others, e.g., “they,” “them,” “their”). Positive scores represent a stronger association between self-injury and the self (i.e., faster responding on a computer-based test when self-injury and the self are paired on the same computer key), and negative scores represent a stronger association between non-injury and the self. The difference between self-injurers and non-injurers was large and statistically significant, as was the differences between each of the three groups in panel B. The full studies are reported in Nock and Banaji (2007a & b).